Complying with EU Cookie Law

  • The Wired article, published by Merlin, is not the slightest nod to third-party cookies (read the comments).

    Ultimately, the Wired article is totally unnecessary and I doubt they actually talked to the sponsor and if they did, they have not asked the right questions.

    Council NOT take it for good.

    It is not the first time I wrote an article in Wired inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Council NOT take it for good.

    Hahahaha! Scusa, niente di personale XD

  • @gabbigames

    Ho usato google translator :-)

  • Mi permetto di segnalare un link con le varie info, fatto dal gestore del sito che, anche se riferito a Joomla! è valido anche per altri MCS come WordPress.

    Può essere meno attinente a chi usa, ma è cmq una buona lettura sintetica e chiara.

  • This is a technical support forum. It is not a social networking platform. Staff have responded here but this thread may have outlived its usefulness to bloggers who click into it for a first time due to the chatter going on in it.

    The following is from our legal team:

    We’re aware of the recent EU privacy directive and the related UK Cookie Law. As of now, the relevant authorities haven’t issued concrete guidance on the actions that are necessary to comply with the law. We’ll be watching as the situation develops and may make changes to our services in the future, if required.

    For now – since sites hosted at do make use of cookies, you may like to flag this fact for visitors to your site. One way to do this is to add a text widget to your side bar and include a link to our privacy policy (which contains information on the cookies that we use). You might also inform your visitors that they can refuse all cookies by changing the settings of their browsers.

    Our Privacy Policy can be found here:

    Privacy Policy

    Instructions for adding a text widget to your site can be found here:

    From Staff posted at

    This is posted earlier in the thread as well, but I wanted to post it again for new people.

    We’re aware of the recent EU privacy directive and the related UK Cookie Law. As of now, the relevant authorities haven’t issued concrete guidance on the actions that are necessary to comply with the law. We’ll be watching as the situation develops and may make changes to our services in the future, if required.

    For now – since sites hosted at do make use of cookies, you may like to flag this fact for visitors to your site. One way to do this is to add a text widget to your side bar and include a link to our privacy policy (which contains information on the cookies that we use). You might also inform your visitors that they can refuse all cookies by changing the settings of their browsers.

    Our Privacy Policy can be found here:

    Privacy Policy

    Instructions for adding a text widget to your site can be found here:

  • Italy – June 5th, 1015
    Clarification of the guarantor
    Italia – 5 Giugno 2015
    Chiarimenti del garante
    1) Se non hai cookie -> Ovviamente nessun obbligo
    2) Cookie tecnici ->SI Informativa, NO banner
    3) Google Analytics anonimizzato -> Sono tecnici e non c’è nessuna notifica al garante
    4) Link ai social -> Ovviamente nessuna informativa
    5) Se hai il server all’estero -> Devi sottostare alla norma comunque
    6) Non vanno elencati tutti i cookie ma si può fare riferimento a categorie più ampie
    7) Se hai cookie di profilazione di terze parti (pulsanti di condivisione, adsense, etc..) -> si conferma il ruolo di intermediario tecnico (come nella celebre FAQ 14) e sono necessari banner e link aggiornati ai siti di terzi.

  • Thanks Iazza for linking the post of Valigiablu here :) I read it yesterday but couldn’t share it. I find it one of the most useful article. I asked also another lawyer, appassionated of web, I-m just waiting for an answer (I suppose he’s studying the case in order to give a good answer). Obviously I’ll let you know.

  • If you use you hear about this update Cookie Law

    Se usi ti può interessare questo aggiornamento sulla Cookie Law

  • If you use you hear about this update Cookie Law

    Se usi ti può interessare questo aggiornamento sulla Cookie Law

  • Mi pare che il “legal team” non abbia ben compreso che la sua non è una soluzione. Se non altro perché la Privacy Policy in Italia DEVE essere scritta in italiano.

  • Bertibruno, the Garante has lost his mind. Theoretically you have to set up a “banner” and a policy for every existing language.

    What makes me mad about this guideline (not a law) is that clashes so many aspects of Internet and international laws … ie legally you can issue Automattic only in the States, so why translate their ToS or Policy with no legal approvement of it?

  • so why translate their ToS or Policy

    Not only that. If you read the so called “clarification”, it states that a website outside the EU is considered operating in Italy if it uses a cookie on the PC of a person surfing from Italy:

    6. Applicazione della normativa italiana anche a siti che hanno sede in Paesi extra EU

    In merito ai chiarimenti richiesti sull’ambito di applicazione della normativa in materia di cookie, si evidenzia che la stessa riguarda tutti i siti che, a prescindere dalla presenza di una sede nel territorio dello Stato, installano cookie sui terminali degli utenti, utilizzando quindi per il trattamento “strumenti situati sul territorio dello Stato” (cfr. art. 5, comma 2, del Codice privacy).

    This is completely crazy and totally against international law and the concept of jurisdiction. In practice, Italy wants to apply its law inside other sovereign countries. This is totally illegal.

  • @Iazza
    I think in the offices of the Garante tadpole cookie made of some substance “strange”. And ‘the only explanation.

    A small sampling of sites out of the norm, according to the Garante Italian:



  • Questo problema però è di facile soluzione (e molti l’hanno già adottata). Automattic deve mettere a disposizione una versione della propria policy in ogni lingua europea. Non è un grosso sforzo e, almeno questo punto ce lo risolverebbe.

  • @bertibruno: it has been clearly stated that in this post we have to use English as a language.

    That said what do you mean with “european language”? Esperanto? :-O

  • it has been clearly stated that in this post we have to use English as a language.

    That said what do you mean with “european language”? Esperanto? :-O


  • Sorry, I don’t know very well english language, but it’s clear what “every european language” means ;-)

  • Hi there.
    See this new sticky post at the top of the forums:

  • Thanks, galois! :)

    Feel free to carry on so that only one of us gets stuck in the forum spam filter. :D

  • Feel free to carry on so that only one of us gets stuck in the forum spam filter.

    lol xD

  • The topic ‘Complying with EU Cookie Law’ is closed to new replies.