How can I export images?

  • Translation:

    I have been researching how to move / export / support my blog, to put it later in a hosting personal … only now anything I’ve seen has helped me …

    The option to export it only exports the blog has comments, tickets and tags.
    I need are all the files (images) along with their tickets, tags, etc …

    is there a way to do this? or I have to start my blog from 0? : (

    I hope your answer


    he estado investigando la manera de trasladar / exportar / respaldar mi blog de, para poder ponerlo posteriormente en un hosting personal… solo que actualmente nada de lo que he visto me ha servido…

    La opción de exportar que tiene el blog solo exporta los comentarios, entradas y tags.
    yo lo que necesito son todos los archivos (imagenes) junto con sus entradas, tags, etc…

    existe alguna forma de hacer esto ?? o tengo que empezar mi blog de 0? :(

    espero su respuesta
    Blog url:

  • I’m sorry, images have to be exported manually as they are not included in the XML export file. Your XML export only includes your posts, pages, comments, categories, and tags.

    We do offer a Guided Transfer upgrade – we’ll move everything over for you (including your images and other media, theme, and settings) and get you all setup with your self-hosted installation. For more details, please see .

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