Comment on each others blogs- challenge?

  • What about the idea of a challenge to comment about each others posts (once a post/once a week?) in return for the same.

    I’m not talking about some instagram “like for likes” or “follow for follow” nonsense.

    I’m talking about making an effort to not just read each others blogs, but provide feedback on each entry – positive, negative, indifferent/non relatable etc.

    thoughts? Let me know if you might be down for something like this. I am feel like I get the “views” but wish i knew more about what the “viewers” were thinking!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you considered forgetting about page views and blogging without obligation?

    Quick Tip: Ignore Your Stats

    Blogging in a free blog with free hosting provides me with an opportunity to freely express myself, without any contractual fetters, and only when the muse moves me.

    Every comment I receive on my blog and/or leave on another blog is voluntarily made and the same can be said of backlinks to my site and posts and to other sites and posts. They are all natural links and I don’t feel any concern at all about the number of views I get. I pay for No-Ads upgrades so the number of views have no monetary value to me.

  • @laurenblakley, you might want to visit The Daily Post — We’re just finishing up one blogging challenge, but will be starting up some other initiatives designed to get bloggers connected with one another.

  • I’ve been part of one of these. It was laughably superficial. Sure, it drove traffic, but it was traffic that never returned until the next blog-go-round. The traffic was more ephemeral, by a large order of magnitude, than the traffic from a viral post. I keep, on average, 10% of readers who come to my blog from a viral post. They return. I tracked it and NONE of the traffic from these things comes back unless there’s something in it for them other than the joy of reading your blog.

  • Comments are useful in many ways. The most important one of all is encouraging the publication of more content. However, not all bloggers and styles of blogs require comments.

    Granted that reciprocity can go a long way when it comes to commenting and community building but it’s important not to expect it or demand it.

    If you care to read it then here’s part of my backstory.

    When I experienced that gun to your head reciprocity demand years ago and it was ugly. It almost resulted in me quitting blogging completely. I will never ever get into a tit for tat type scenario. I’m a free bird who will not agree to be caged like that.

    I do have many followers who don’t comment and I wish them all well. If people sincerely appreciate what I post and prefer to click a “like” button, rather than trying to contrive something to state in a comment box then that’s okay with me.

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