
  • Hello! I am editing a page in WordPress and the ‘explore button’ element. I right clicked and from the pop-up menu, I clicked inspect. I am doing some coding to edit the link attached to the codes so that when people click the button it would direct to a new published page. But when I refresh, it reverts back to the old page. What am I doing wrong?

    Self-declared URL:
    Jetpack: Unknown Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi there,

    I see your site is hosted on rather than

    Since your site is a site, this issue falls outside our usual scope of support. However, you might consider migrating your site to for more direct assistance and enhanced features. We are currently offering a free migration service, which you can request here.

    To understand the differences and benefits of compared to, please read this detailed comparison.

    If you have any questions or need further help, feel free to let us know. We are here to assist you.

  • To make your changes permanent, edit the link in the WordPress dashboard. Navigate to the page editor, find the ‘explore button’ element, and update the URL there instead of using the inspect tool.

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