clueless noob…why doesn’t my dashboard have plugin panel?

  • and no manage files either??

    i’m soo confused!

  • Because this is free, hosted, and those aren’t available here, only if you have a self-hosted software wp blog.

    Please see the huge pink stickies at the top of the forum for more info.

  • OH! I thought i was retarded or something cause I was reading all the help stuff on .org!

    cheers victoria!

  • Nah…. it’s just really confusing when you start out. Enjoy, and post back if you have problems.

  • What is this deal about self-hosted? If the files are on my local computer, aren’t I self-hosting? I have no plugin panel either. Please help.

  • Mara, you have to be running server software (ie Apache, MySQL, PHP, etc.) on your computer at your home to run a server to host WordPress yourself as well as have a dedicated connection to the internet. As to the plugin panel, I answered your question in the other thread. (ie We do not have plugin access here with the blogs hosted at The downloadable version of WordPress from is the one that has the PlugIn Panel)

  • Right, now I am thoroughly confused. I signed up at WordPress.COM but my interface indeed looks more similar to the screenie on Why don’t the instructions for installing a server on my computer work?

    “To get started with WordPress, set it up on a web host for the most flexibility or get a free account on” So that is what I did (the latter).

    EDIT: Sorry to bother the forum with 1/2 unrelated issues, and thanks to all for help. A friend eventually pointed out a small error in a file of mine.

  • Please note the -or- in there:

    1 – set it up on a web host for the most flexibility

    – or –

    2 – get a free account on

    There’s no set up if your blog is here at and nothing to set up on your end.

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