Clicking "upgrade" in error on Dashboard

  • I have always previously worked in the WP-admin of my blog and since the changes and the new Dashboard, I keep accidentally clicking on “Free domain with an annual plan – Upgrade” which sits above the “Home” button. Every time I accidentally click on it, there is a charge in my cart for £36. I don’t even click on anything else to even choose that, after that accidental click. It’s ridiculous. Why is the link even there? There is already a link for upgrades on the Dashboard. Is there a way to get rid of that “Upgrade” link that sits above the “home” button, or have I got to spend the rest of my life on my blog removing the £36 from my cart, even though I didn’t actually choose it? It is going to get tiresome very quick. There was never this problem on the old WP-admin Dashboard.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    Thanks for reporting this. The same thing evidently happened to me, although I hadn’t even noticed clicking an upgrade link. See my topic
    Did not order upgrade that has put into my cart. I’m going to watch for more reports regarding this issue, and collect them under the tag “upgrade link.”

  • @musicdoc1 I suspect there will be a lot more people who this happens to. I didn’t notice the first time and I wondered why I was being charged for something I had not purchased. Just accidentally clicking on the link adds a payment to the cart, you don’t even have to click on an option. It’s beyond ridiculous as there’s already a button to click on to upgrade, two buttons below it!

  • @torchsnaps it has happened to me too. I reported it yesterday with other problems. It’s not in the first comment, it’s a bit further down problems

  • Sorry here’s the link again as I did it wrong above

  • Yes, there’ll be more. This could be another one: I dont want to buy anything from you. I hadn’t really noticed the Upgrade button below that you mention. On the Stats page there’s another just above the graph, at the far right. So that’s at least three on that one page. It’s absurd. And I agree…NEVER happened in WP-Admin.

  • I think the problem is that the “upgrade” link is taking longer to load and just as you are about to click on “home” or “posts” the page skips as it finally loads, and you end up clicking on it. Even though I clicked straight off it, I already had a payment in my cart! I have never known anywhere where you immediately have a payment owing, by ONE click! It seems that is also what has happened with @odepix above.

  • Thanks @odepix. I’ve added the tag “accidental order” to your topic, this one, and mine. Also added “false order” to mine, because even if I accidentally clicked one of the Update links, I most definitely didn’t choose the Plan that was added to my cart.

  • @torchsnaps,

    You’re right about the delayed loading of the Upgrade link above the My Home button. I hadn’t noticed that before.

    I have never known anywhere where you immediately have a payment owing, by ONE click!

    Me neither.

  • When I’m here in the forum and click “My Sites” I’m taken straight to “My Home” so there is no need to click that again. However I admit it is confusing that after a few seconds the “My Home” button moves down a rung when the upgrade button finally loads. Every change makes just seems odd thse days.

  • @themagicrobot please don’t try to make it seem like it’s not a problem. I just clicked “stats” and ended up purchasing an upgrade yet again, so it’s not just by miss-clicking the “home” button. I am not spending every day removing payment from my cart, it’s ridiculous. I notice staff haven’t replied yet.

  • Hi everyone:

    I’ve noted your feedback and passed it along to our marketing team.

    While we will always offer free sites, we also try to promote features that people may be interested in (like a free domain with an annual plan purchase or advanced stats information) and highlight those upgrades in places where people can see them and upgrade if they choose. Additionally, some marketing emails will prompt the addition of a product to your shopping cart when clicked.

    Items are only added to your cart when clicking on a feature that would require a paid plan. In any case, you will never be charged unless you go through the purchase flow so, next time a plan you don’t want gets added to your cart, you can remove it from your cart by clicking “edit” then clicking the trash can icon.

  • @staff-heroponriki there are 3 places to “upgrade”. It’s overkill. It’s annoying. It’s all done to drive people with free blogs into paying for an upgrade. That’s why you have removed the much-loved Classic Editor and now have it as something that has to be paid for, but only if you also pay for an upgrade. You never listen to people and it’s no wonder they are leaving in droves. It is easy to remove the payment from my cart, but why should I have to waste my time doing that 4 or 5 times a day? The link is not needed when it is also in two other places. It’s the same with the ads, you can’t just have one or two discrete ones, you have to plaster them all over people’s work, and even in the side bar and header. Now you are even adding sponsored posts to people’s blogs too, and that really is the worst you can get! has gone down the pan, and I need to blog elsewhere. Thank you for eventually replying.

  • Hi there!

    We’ve updated the upgrade notice in the sidebar to no longer automatically add a plan to your cart, and instead redirect you to the plans page before the domains search page. We’ve also made it easier to delete items from your cart after clicking the “Your cart is awaiting payment” notice.

    Thank you for bringing this unclear flow to our attention.

    @torchsnaps the new editor has a free Classic Block that provides a similar experience to that of the old editor.

  • @cainm,

    Thanks. Of course, ideally the link would be removed entirely, for (as @torchsnaps indicates), (1.) its delayed loading leads to it being accidentally clicked, and (2.) it’s presence is overkill, since there’s already another prominent upgrade link within a huge banner above the graph on the stats page.

    Incidentally, when the Calypso admin menu is collapsed, the upgrade link presently appears as an icon featuring an exclamation point within a circle. The symbol suggests urgency, a warning, or the like. At no time during the 12 1/2 years I’ve been using has an upgrade offer been received by me as an urgent proposal. Such an offer has never merited an exclamation point. Not 12 years ago, and not now.

  • @musicdoc1 that’s great feedback about the nudge. I’ve reported the jumping on load to the team that works on the sidebar. I’ll also raise the points about the conveyed urgency and inability to dismiss with the team that’s working on our in-app nudges.

  • @cainm too late for me. I have left WordPress and have a new site elsewhere. You (WordPress) fail to listen to what people want and are only concerned with constantly pushing people to upgrade. “Money money money” is all WordPress speaks these days.

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