Child page not displaying under Parent page

  • I’ve created 2 child pages under a parent page. I’m using the Andrea theme which supports displaying the child pages as a pull down bar of the parent page. I’ve ordered and child pages 1 and 2 but neither are displaying as a pull down bar and I also don’t see them if I click on the parent page. When I search my blog for the child pages I can find them but they do not display anywhere. Any idea as to why this is happening?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can create a custom menu so your “child” pages or sub-pages appear in dropdowns below Parent Pages. A custom menu allows you to display Categories with dropdowns to sub-categories in tabs along the horizontal navigation where normally only Pages tabs are displayed. If you wish you can also include Pages with dropdowns to sub-pages and custom links in your custom menu as well. The choices of which to display are entirely up to you.

    These are the how-to instructions that answer your question:
    1. You create a custom menu.

    2. You add the Parent pages you want to display and arrange them in the order you want.

    3. Then you add and drop and drag the sub-pages (child pages) below the appropriate Parent pages, and when you have everything arranged in the menu that you want you save the menu.

    4. Go to the “theme location” module at upper left on the menu page. Select your custom menu name from the pulldown labeled “primary location.” Click the save button in that module.

    5. Refresh your browser so that it isn’t possibly pulling a cached page, and view see your new menu with Parent pages and dropdowns to sub-pages.

  • thank you!!!! I got it.

  • I see that. Yay! This is good news so thanks for sharing it. :)

  • For the record, only some of the themes with a top nav menu support dropdowns to child pages in their default menu, and Andrea is not one of them, but all themes with a top nav menu support dropdowns (to whatever you wish) if you create a custom menu.

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