Changing the link of Header Image

  • I just want to change the link of clicking the header image, the theme I currently use is unable to change the link on the custom page. When I click the header image, it brings me to the front page.

    Here’s my website, thank you.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!
    If you are referring to you logo by “header image”, I am sorry that it will always link to your site’s default homepage/ front page. Though, I am adding this topic for staff attention, please elaborate more to which link you want to change to or what are you expecting to link.


  • Sorry, header image refers to the large banner under the upper menu, not the logo.

    I found this code by F12:

    The Culturist

    I want to change the URL to other custom URL, is it possible?

  • this code:

    a href=”” rel=”home” class=”header-image”>The Culturist</a

  • Hi there,

    The custom header image will always link to your site’s front page, yes. This is how most WordPress themes are designed, and there’s no setting to change where the header image links.

    Changing where it links also cannot be done with custom CSS code. CSS code can only change the appearance of something on the screen. It cannot change the underlying HTML code, which is what you want to do here.

    Instead, to make this change you’ll need to create a child theme of your current theme, and make the change in your theme’s header.php file. We’re not able to help you with the process of creating a child theme, but you can find some information on that option here:

    Note that your plan gives you access to both live chat and direct email support. You can reach those at any time by clicking the Help icon that appears bottom-right on all the My Sites pages, or else via the direct link at

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