Changing the Comments Link In Oulipo Theme?

  • I am using the Oulipo theme on my blog, however the comments link is formatted on the top of every post. Is there any way to change it so that it is located at the bottom of every post where readers will be more likely to see it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi. I don’t think there’s a way to move that to the bottom of the post. It’s most likely part of the theme’s code. In some themes, the “Leave a comment” or “x comments” text appears at the end of the post if you prefer.

    The “Leave a comment” is just fine where it is. And besides, the comment box appears only when you view a post… at the bottom of the post.

  • It could probably be moved to the bottom of the posts with CSS, but this is sometimes a tricky thing to do and the little symbol between the date and the comment link at top would just hang on the end of the date since it does not have a selector of its own and cannot be hidden.

  • If I wanted to move it using CSS, would I need to pay extra for CSS customization?

  • Yes and not only is it a tricky CSS editing job that will leave a weird dangling bit as thesacredpath has pointed out, but the custom design upgrade is an annually renewable upgrade.

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