Changing plan from fee to personal

  • What will my blog site address be and how do I deal with situations where my blog site is noted on links with the old address?
    What about content — will it remain unchanged?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • All URLs will seamlessly redirect. There is nothing for you to do after purchasing the upgrade.

    How domain mapping works

    Registering an underlying URL first is required for domain mapping. That underlying URL does not have to match the domain URL when you are domain mapping.

    What domain mapping does is providing a seamless redirect to the very same content under the new domain URL when a person clicks the old URL to the original content. It can take up to 72 hours for domain propagation to take place throughout the internet but it doesn’t usually take that long.

    You can use the Personal Plan if all you want is a custom domain, removal of advertising, live chat support and 6GB Storage Space but you need to add the plan first. If you add the domain first, Premium is selected automatically. Go to to upgrade.

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