Changing Footer Info In Grid Focus

  • Hi,

    I just created my first WordPress blog! Yay(s)! Interestingly enough, I actually use WordPress for some of the websites I freelance for, but I’m completely unfamiliar with CSS. So, I chose Grid Focus which is very nice, and I’m commissioning a designer friend of mine to do a logo and cute Twitter icon. Everything else I think I can manage myself (I used to have an HTML-based blog and while I don’t KNOW HTML, I can usually BS my way through this stuff). However, I’m having problems with the footer. First, I’d like to remove the WordPress link as I have a URL. Is this possible? Also, I’d like to remove to the design attribution and redo it, centered, along with a nod to my new designer. I can’t find text for this stuff anywhere in the CSS. I know this isn’t “the way” to do this, but I hope someone could still provide help. Thank you and take care.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We can’t answer any questions without a direct link to the blog, starting with http.


    I am not redirecting my URL until it’s finished. Some further research and shown that it’s looked down upon to change the footer. Understandable… to a degree, as I had planned on crediting both the theme creator and WP as my “host”. Plus, the inane smiley which ruins what is otherwise a perfect layout. Bummers abound, and I might actually end up changing themes to something smiley-less.

    Another question about widgets, however: how do I change the link colour within the widgets? I’ve fiddled around and have only managed to change the title colours.

  • Fixed the text but still cannot find a way to change the lines when hovered over.

  • Are we allowed to remove wordpress link and design credits?

  • It is discouraged. The theme designer spent a lot of time and effort building the theme, and it is only proper to give them credit – at least in my opinion. On my site I’ve left the link/text to the author and then appended “Stylized by Richard” after it.

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