Changing Color of Hyperlinked Text in Maisha

  • For whatever reason, text that is hyperlinked appears gray. I would prefer it appear the traditional blue. I’ve attempted to add the following CSS (which I retrieved through another conversation on the forum); however, it’s not working:

    a {
    color: #1185d7;

    May someone please advise what we should add?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi

    You were on the right track to try that code, but your theme has a few more specific link classes, so we may need to add a few different bits of CSS to change all of your links.

    Keep the above code in your editor, but also add the following, which will change the color for text links on your pages.

    .news .entry-content a{
    color: #1185d7;

    If there are other links that you need to also make blue, please let me know what links on what pages and I can get you the code for that.

  • Yes! That worked. Thank you so much!

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