change site body background color and possible to change font in title partially

  • I have publisher theme. needing help with css code to change body background color to light grey. Also was wondering if someone can provide me with a list or source i can go to to get a list of color codes in case i want to change again. i just want codes for all hues in light form. no bold colors. also, is it possible to change the font in only a portion of the title? Ex: Our title is Dronescape Media and we want to make media in different font. Help is much appreciated

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To change body background color to light grey, you can either:

    make use of the Custom Background and pick your preferred color from the palette.


    add the following CSS:

    body.home {
    	background-color: #D3D3D3;

    #D3D3D3 is LightGray .

    Here is the list of all CSS color codes:

    is it possible to change the font in only a portion of the title

    No, unfortunately.

    But I see you are not making use of tagline. So you can push the Media part of your title to tagline. And refer the tagline using #site-description selector to style it differently. Dronescape part can be targeted using #site-title selector.

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