Category issue in “Depo Masthead” theme

  • Hi all,

    Is there any way the categories (under the post titles) of my Depo-theme blog can point back into the blog itself, rather than going to the global wordpress tags page? Can it be done in CSS? If not, can I remove this option altogether?

    I know wordpress like visitors to go global, but it’s really counter-intuitive for my magazine-style page.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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    This support forum is for hosted blogs only. If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog you need to seek help at the forums, not here.

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  • It’s a very common question, and the answer is: no, not for free.

    You can get hosting and leave and go independent, in which case you’ll not have access to the global tag/category pages at all and all such links will go only within your own blog.

    You can try to be accepted for the VIP program, where anything is possible, but you need hundreds of thousands of hits and several hundred dollars a month for that.

    Or you can set your blog to be invisible to search engines, etc, which will take you off the global tag pages altogether, as well as severely hurt your SEO obviously.

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