
  • Hello, there´s a categorie list at the left sidebar of my profile. I didn´t put it there, it just came automatically. Now I´d like to remove this category-list, but I don´t know how.
    Does anybody know the answer?
    thx Julia

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • sorry i’m in real hurry and saw ur post try widgets… if the category appearing is a widget which is mostly the case… remove the widget ..

    simply login to your dashboard … point ur cusor to appearances option and click widget from the menu that appears .. u will see a category widget on the right hand side drag it from right hand side to the bottom saying inactive widgets ….

    i hope this solves it far ya

  • Hello evilservo, thx for your answer. But the problem is, I didn´t list or move my “categories” in my widget-menu, they just appear automatically on the left sidebar on the homepage. So there´s no widget I am able to remove or drag to the bottom. And I can´t find a tool/widget or anything showing my categories-widget, so I am not able to remove it.

    Do you know what I mean?

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