Can't remove “Just Another WordPress Site”. Any help is appreciated

  • My website is, and when you google “Jacqueline Schillinger” you’ll see the tagline “Just Another WordPress Site.” I have tried to remove this to no avail.

    I am hosting through hostgator, using the OceanWP theme and elementor as my editor. I have changed the tagline in Dashboard > Settings > General. And the tagline is also changed in Elementor’s editor. I have also clear my WP cache.

    I really want that tagline removed. It makes my portfolio look very unprofessional. Am I missing something?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Sorry, I am asking this question on behalf of my wife. IDK why my question was posted with “The blog I need help with is” I didn’t add that, and it can be disregarded.

  • Hi,

    Google has already crawled your blog and that’s why its showing default tag line.

    To tell Google about your blog changes, submit your homepage URL manually, using the “Fetch as Google” function in your Google Webmaster Tools.

  • I am hosting through hostgator

    Hi there, In general, for help with a site using the open source WordPress (org) software you’ll want to head over to where they likely have more experience with the type of issues you are having. If you don’t have a username on the ORG forums you can register one on that page. I also suggest first searching the forums there for a similar issue before posting.

    Just to clarify, this support forum assists users of WordPressdotcom hosted sites. Standalone WordPress (org) and WordPressdotcom (where we are) are different entities with separate documentation and support forums; more information about the differences:

    Best wishes

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