Can't link domain to wordpress installation

  • Hi there,

    Apologies, I’m sure this has been covered before but I can’t seem to fix this issue at all yet after much searching!

    I’ve just installed wordpress, but every time I try to change the details from localhost to the details of the domain I purchased through wordpress ( – I get locked out or it reverts to the standard blog page. While it’s trying to load I can see it’s attempting to connect to this: – could this have something to do with it?

    I’ve looked through all the help pages here and searched endlessly online, but none of the options seem to be making any difference.

    Can anyone give me some advice on the best way to fix this problem? I really need to get my site up and running :(

    Many thanks for any assistance,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,
    This is the WordPress.COM support forum. You need to post to the WordPress.ORG support forum for help with your local install of WordPress.ORG software because it is not hosted by WordPress.COM. and are completely separate and have different logins and support forums

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click and register one on the top right hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and receive advice from WordPress.ORG bloggers.

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