Can't figure out why my photos are taking up so much of my available memory

  • Thought I posted this question a couple days ago, but it is not showing up anywhere… (Perhaps I accidentally posted it to a .org forum.) HELP! I cannot for the life of me figure out why my newest photoblog has run out of space after 478 posts when its predecessor was able to fit 1077 images using the same 3072 MB allowed. I have tried going into media and resizing the originals to be much smaller- yet every time I did this, my remaining storage REDUCED instead of increased. I went form 100% capacity to 103%! WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO MAKE SHUTTERBUG’s BLISS have the capacity of SHUTTERBUG’s DELIGHT? Frustrating!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You must be posting photos with needlessly massive file sizes. Didn’t you see the reply from a member of staff when you asked the same question previously:

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