Can't Edit Photos From Another Blog Anymore

  • First off, not a big fan of this switch WordPress made where the default is the block editor. There is still the Classic, but with EVERYTHING revamped now, I seem not to be able to edit photos in a review if they come from a link to one of my other photo blogs. This means anyone clicking on that photo can’t enlarge it. I experimented and found in the preview I couldn’t click to enlarge it. Has wordpress killed that option? Some of the photos on my two review sites come from those other “photo blogs” of mine. Any new ones I put in after this big wordpress switch don’t allow any such editing.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Wait, never mind, just figure out how do that.

  • Hi,

    I’m glad to hear you figured it out. You actually have way more options now than in the Classic Editor. Have a look at all you can do with images now:,,

  • I can’t manage that Block Editor. I tried when it was first offered and I just couldn’t lay out the review like I wanted. I’ll admit now this overhaul isn’t as bad as I first thought, but that’s as long as the Classic Editor remains, and thank God it has. Part of the problem was just figuring out where everything is again, since it’s all been rearranged, but everything seems to be cool now.

  • Wait, how do you edit the dimensions on photos now in the Classics Editor mode? I can’t seem to do that.

  • The process is still the same for that:

    You can click the image and drag the corner boxes to resize it.

  • All I want to do is alter the dimensions of a photo. I’ve been fooling around with a 4096×1773 in one of my photo blogs, trying to reduce to something smaller, so when a reader clicks on the image they’ll see that smaller image rather than the huge one. . . I see the option to do it, I see the replace option, but nothing’s getting that image to what I want. See this is my problem with this upgrade, you took a simple task and made it harder. It seems I can’t alter the image in Classic Editor unless I add it as an Image Block? So, I do that, and none of the editing I’m doing is altering it to what I want. I says it’s smaller in the dimension box, but previewing it and clicking on it gives me that HUGE image again. And can you even add a photo as an Image Block and then convert the text around it to the Classic Editor?

  • Would you please publish the post with the problem, or maybe publish it as a test page, so we can take a look at what you’re referring to?

  • I can alter the image’s dimension in the post I’m making, okay? But when I preview the image and click on it to see what a typical reader would see blows the image up to it’s HUGE size. What I don’t what. What I’m trying to do is alter the image in the Image Gallery itself, like what you could do in the old Classic Editor, but that option is gone. I’ve also been trying to post images side by side, like I could do in the Classic Editor, and I can’t do that either. The Block Editor just doesn’t allow me to do what I could do in the Classic Editor, and for the most part the Classic Editor you have pretty much does everything the old one did, EXCEPT alter image sizes in the Image Gallery. You really should bring that back for the old editor. Now I have to take the extra steps of posting hi-res images on either my FB or Twitter page to shrink them down and then add them to WordPress in that form.

  • Ah, it looks like maybe you were using the wp-admin image editor before.

    If that’s the case, do you want to go ahead and enable that as your default media option? You can do that here:

    Choose “Show Advanced Dashboard Pages” and then refresh and let us know if the Media option to scale your images is back.

    Noting too, you can also upload the images pre-scaled if you’re using one of the apps. There’s an option for that.

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