cannot view vimeo videos

  • I’ve used Vimeo videos extensively on my site for the past year or so. Some pretty interesting video artists use the service. But several weeks ago I suddenly became unable to view any Vimeo videos with Firefox. It’s clearly a browser issue because I can still view and play them with Safari. However, I’ve had major issues with Safari and last time I asked WordPress wasn’t supporting it. Because older versions of Firefox allowing use of Vodpod whereas versions after the 3.6 do not, or have not every time I’ve tested them, I’ve been in the habit of using old versions of Firefox such as FF 3.6.17 or 3.6.18. Vimeo does not work with them anymore. But neither does it work with FF 5.0.1, the most recent non-beta version. Any advice?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I cannot view Vimeo vids either at, nor after embedding them on my WordPress websites.

  • Hi. Have you tried any of the tips here?

    Solve Common Browser Issues

  • The problem was with AdBlock Plus which filters out Vimeo by default. You have to manually change the setting to allow it access. I haven’t yet figured out if ABP is also preventing my even seeing the audio player at which until recently I had used frequently without issue, perhaps a thousand times over 2 1/2 years.

  • Thanks, airodyssey.

  • You’re welcome and thanks for reporting back.

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