Can we have a chit chat section in the forum

  • Can we have a chit chat section in the forum to allow users to say Hi to each other instead of posting it in other user’s support requests?

  • This is just a comment that you may want to consider. Staff will, of course, respond directly to you by email at the address you provided here if they decide to create such an off topic chat forum again.

    We did have such forums years ago but they were flooded with spam posts, self promotion posts and troll posts. Over time they became dominated by self promoting people many of whom who had their sites linked to sites that were not hosted by and others who posted to drive traffic to sites that were not only not hosted here but that did not not reflect the types of blogs that are allowed. Staff spent so much time removing spam and troll and self promoting posts that the decision was made to eliminate the off topic chat forums.

    Thought the environment has changed here over the last decade we do not create a pretense of professionalism in these peer support forums so Volunteers and even Staff wannbe Volunteer responses are not confused with Staff responses.

    We have a code of conduct and support documentation guidelines for volunteers.

    Provided we Volunteers do answer the questions posed in threads posted into these peer support forums and don’t get into lengthy off topic exchanges things run very smoothly.

  • EDIT: Thought above was meant to be though. I am visually challenged and both are words that are in the dictionary so the spellcheck missed the difference between the two. :(

  • @akumarjain
    You are welcome and I do expect we will become friends over time. :) The teamwork here in the peer support forums both between Volunteers, and between Staff and Volunteers, has always been so uplifting that it has encouraged me to keep helping out while multitasking from my business.

  • @timethief

    You are welcome and I do expect we will become friends over time. :)

    I already consider you as a friend ;)

  • I already consider you as a friend ;)

    Hooray! That makes me so happy. :) Thanks for saying so and know that I feel the same way about you and about everyone else who lends a helping hand here.

  • I have a need for something like this, from time to time. Usually, when it is something like I notice a modlook tag, that was put on an empty thread that was actually a duplicate. I update the thread appropriately but it was assumed I also added the modlook tag. The thread is closed before I can respond. In the scheme of things it doesn’t matter. Really. It doesn’t.

    But, I now understand why other volunteers have written on other posts, “I did not put the modlook tag there.” AHA moment. LOL! Ding – something else I learned, yesterday. :-)

    I just want to point out that I understand @akumarjain ‘s request. I’ve had little moments where I’ve thought it would be helpful but in the end it is a teeny tiny percentage of the time.

    I appreciate knowing the history to things like this, @timethief. It helps sooo much. Thanks for taking the time to share the history with us newbies.

    I hope your camps went well! I did notice you being offline a lot, last week. I missed your presence. And, I am beginning to understand the addiction. :-)

    Best to all!

  • Sometimes it seems people know to add only the modlook tag to threads and nothing more, like “suspended site“, “remove personal info” where it is relevant. :) Adding those tags where relevant could help close threads or redact info from threads faster than waiting for Staff to run through the sometimes long list of threads waiting for their attention.

    If you didn’t add the modlook tag to a thread, no harm done on threads where Staff attention is needed to resolve or go deeper into the issue. This is especially true on domain issues and refunds and is mentioned in the Volunteers’ guide.

    Also there are times when we have many people in the forums at the same time answering threads (and sometimes the same thread); other times threads that should be seen by Staff go untagged or unanswered because no one has seen it and tagged it for them. Staff routinely triage the forum looking for such threads, but a few helping hands/eyes are always welcome.

    Thanks for all the time, attention and care you give here. :)

  • :-) Giggle.

    Yes, that is the thread. You had already told me about not needing the modlook, so I didn’t want you to think I don’t listen to you. I was more concerned about that than the actual reminder of it the tag. I do my best to follow our moderator’s instructions. :)

    No worries. I really don’t mind, I just wanted to respond to @akumarjain so he knew he wasn’t alone.

    I totally appreciate all you do, @JJ. THANK YOU!

  • I just wanted to respond to @akumarjain so he knew he wasn’t alone.

    Thank you @happyathometoday

  • [off-topic chit chat] I am a kid’s camp counselor every summer and I look forward to it all year long because it elevates me. Where else can an adult mezzo-soprano, who is into sharing music, dance and gymnastics, and who is a stand up comic be popular with young people? I don’t have kids but the kid’s camp kids love me and I adore them. I’m high as a kite at present but I will settle down unless I’m asked to do another week in my birth month ie. August (finger’s crossed). :) [/off-topic chat].

  • @timethief, all the best for your next camp. You’ll be missed here. Happy birthday in advance to you.

  • [off-topic chit chat] Sounds lovely. I’m a former musical theater performer, programmer, and balloon artist. (yeah, all over the place) I have taught children’s camp (acting) and children are refreshing! I was a Soprano back in college (voice major in Music Ed). My favorite choir to be in was chamber choir. Every few years, I get out and audition for a show just to prove I can still do it. :)

    Nice to learn more about you.

    I’m sooo happy that you have the camp and it puts you in a great place. Fingers-crossed they ask you to join again in August! Best to you. [/off-topic chat].

  • @akumarjain
    Thanks so much for your encouragement and happy birthday wish too. We have so many Volunteers posting high quality answers here these days that I feel is blessed by our helpful service. That’s my way of saying I don’t think I’ll be missed much at all and that’s a very good thing. :)

  • @timethief

    I feel is blessed by our helpful service.


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