Can Widget Be Disabled?

  • Hi,

    Would appreciate your expertise and guidance with improving performance and eliminating a pest.

    A lot of hang time is experienced loading various WordPress blogs into both Firefox and Safari. This happens despite having 9GB of RAM at home, and the same thing is noted on IE at work. The display says that the delay is due to the loading of, which I believe are those annoying link preview pop-up boxes. I can disable these on my own browser, but that does nothing for anyone else attempting to read our blogs. Is it possible to eliminate these widgets from our blogs entirely?

    Is responsible for more than just link pre-views on WordPress? If so, what widgets or other items do they drive?

    I did see the similar previous question that directed users to do the following:
    “-> Presentation -> Extras
    remove the check mark from ___ Enable Snap Preview Anywhere on this blog
    Click “Update Extras” to save”
    That was a two year old post and unfortunately there is no longer a category called “Presentation.” There is an area called “Appearance” that has a sub-heading called “extras,” but it does not have a “Snap Preview” option box. Because this does not appear to be an option, is there some other way to eliminate all functionality?

    Note: I would definitely prefer not to add “Gears” to my blog as that is a Google product.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • To be able to disable Snapshots go to > Appearance > Extra Then > check mark the top option then click save.

  • Thanks very much thesacredpath and t3ck. I understand now: to turn off in WordPress, go to > Appearance > Extras, then uncheck “Enable mShots.”

  • You’re welcome!

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