Why can't I access my Dashboard after enabling HTTPS or SSL?

  • Hi, I enabled my blog with “Always use HTTPS when visiting administration pages.” as http://en.blog.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/protect-your-blog-with-ssl/ shows, but unfortunately I can not access my dashboard anyway. The link shows https://robotersoong.wordpress.com/wp-admin/, but I can not view anything. The browser shows “The connection to robotersoong.wordpress.com was interrupted.”

    What can I do? Thank you. How can I set my blog to default?
    Additionally, could I contact the manager to delete the blog? Or ask him/her to set my setting to default?

    You can find more https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/can-not-access-dashboard-after-enable-https-or-ssl?replies=13#post-683870

    Thanks a lot!
    Blog url: http://robotersoong.wordpress.com/

  • Hi there,

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re experiencing this problem. Can you try a couple of things?

    1. Are you able to log into your Dashboard with a different Internet browser?

    2. Can you try logging into your Dashboard from a different Internet connection, i.e. at a library or coffee shop? If so, are you still encountering this problem?

    3. Can you make sure that *.wordpress.com is on your list of trusted sites?

  • Hi, evarlese

    1, Yes.

    2, I have not try that in coffee shop, but I indeed connected to the network at our library. Moreover, I also installed Hotspot Shield to get the chance to change my DNS server. Unfortunately, does not work as the same.

    3, I can visit your blog normally and others, your blog is good, ^_^. Does that mean *.wordpress.com is on myr list of trusted sites? Thank you.

  • Hi, could I ask the administrator to help set my setting to default or delete it? Thanks a lot!

  • If you’re able to load your Dashboard in a different browser, can you let me know what browser that is?

    Additionally, if you can access your Dashboard in a different browser, you can revert back to HTTP by going to your Dashboard > Users > Personal Settings and changing the “Browser Connection.” If not, please let me know and we can change this for you.

    Lastly, yes, if you’re able to see other *.wordpress.com sites, that does mean WordPress is on your list of trusted sites. Thanks for your patience and cooperation :)

  • Maybe I have not described clearly. The problem I encountered is:

    I can get access into my wordpress account, because I can write a reply and ask you questions using my ID, as you see robotersooong.

    However, I can not load my Dashboard since I enable the HTTPS.

    I have tried 5more browsers on the same situation, that’s why I guess it should not be a browsers’ problem.

    You told me as

    If not, please let me know and we can change this for you.

    For that reason, could I ask the admin to revert it? Thank you for your continually attention.

  • We’ve just disabled the HTTPS browsing for you. Can you let me know if you’re able to access your Dashboard now?

    From what I can see, it looks like you’re located in China. Is that correct? If so, your location may be causing issues with the secure connection.

    In the meantime, please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help :)

  • Thank you! It works! LOL! I have set my site to privacy.

    Yep, the problem may be caused by the special secure connection warning.

    I really appreciate your patience and continually helping. :)

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