Can an iframe be used on wordpress-site blog

  • I would like to put an iframe hosting current news from my
    feeddirect account, a simple html page, on my wordpress

    This is the page:

    As soon as I get it functioning, I’ll change the:
    More News & Views @ My Blog… Click Here To Visit…
    to wordpress’s feed and link to my wordpress blog.

    When I tried, I initially saw the iframe in the preview panel
    but it turned into only text (the [click here to open in new tab]).

    The link is intact and functional, but I’d like to display the page
    so folks can see what news is being offered.

    Any suggestions?

  • Well, it sounds to me like the html for your frame is being stripped out automatically (and frankly I’d be very surprised if it wasn’t). Just give people the link and hope they follow it. I’m afraid that’s the only advice I can offer you.

  • Why are you “frankly surprised if it wasn’t”?

    It’s just an html page. The only issue is the extra bandwidth
    it takes to load the page, and bandwidth concerns aren’t
    something I’ve seen in discussion as a problem.

    I’m looking for this as a feature if non-existent currently, and
    I don’t see any real security problems with iframes, but I’m not
    a webpage wizard… Just looking for someone who can tell me if
    it’s currently allowed and I’m not setting it up correctly, or to
    be available in the future, or it’s not allowed and perhaps the reason.

  • I was also trying to add this – I have a blog for my boating and having a weather feed on it would be great. Alternatively, are there any rss weather feeds that might work?

    <iframe src=”” style=”border: medium none ; overflow: hidden” allowtransparency=”true” align=”left” frameborder=”0″ height=”295″ scrolling=”no” width=”475″></iframe>

  • iframes are not allowed.

  • Google shows a list of them. (I’d skip Just looks like a site and not a feed.)

  • Thanks. I found this list of rss feeds for weather from the bbc (I forgot to say I am in the UK/Ireland). Thanks for your help. I even got it for Enniskillen in N.Ireland where the boat is berthed!

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