Can a visitor to my site receive links to the results of tag searches

  • I’ve noticed people using tag searches on my site. I don’t even know how they do it. But they will enter an URL such as (a tag search on the name Al Dubin, songwriter) and get as results all the posts with his name as a tag. Because many of my pages are very long, this could result in the page being overloaded and causing it to freeze, or at least drive the visitor’s CPU usage to alarming levels.

    I’d prefer the searcher receive title links to the results, or titles and summaries, as he would if he were using a search box on my site. If I enter “Al Dubin” in a search box on I receive archived posts and pages as cane be seen here: There are 22 results. The number is higher than it might be because I sometimes duplicate a page and put it in a post, or vice versa. Ten results display per page, but that same ten results if the full page is displayed for each one could be a problem. I’ve searched for and failed to find a setting to adjust in order to give the searcher brief rather than full results on tag searches.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You could just change your theme. Some display the full post, some display excerpts. I believe there are even some that display only titles.

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