Can a Countdown Clock from “” be used?

  • I’ve read through the forum about adding countdown clocks, but didn’t find any info that I needed. Last year I was using an edublog and I was able to post a countdown clock from this company. I tried putting it in “text” on my widgets this year and all that shows up is the web address. Am I doing something wrong or will WordPress not support it for security reasons. It’s not on my site right now, because some of the ads that go along with the page are not appropriate should any of my students click on it. The clocks however are fine. We all enjoyed counting down to both Christmas and of course, the start of Christmas Vacation.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We need an url of the blog and the code in question be put between backtics (`) down this thread before able to giving any suggestion.

  • Most of those clocks — if not all of them — are Java based. WordPress does not allow Java to be used on blogs. If you see “Javascript” or “script” in the code you’re copying, then it won’t work.

    You should also know, if you’re using a free blog, advertising of any kind is also banned.

    Good luck with the kids, hope they’ve all been good this year…

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