Browser’s issue with Sandbox?

  • Hi all,

    It used to be okay to view WP.COM blogs with custom CSS using Opera mobile browsers (Opera Mini and Symbian versions) until a week or so a go. Now all I can see is the Sandbox’s original layout instead of the customized one which is, by all means, not good for mobile bloggers (esp. me!) who have no iPhone or Blackberry on their hands.

    Checked the Opera’s official site couples of time already yet they have no specific announcement regarding its User Agent upgrade or anything. So my question is can anyone please explain to me what in the world is wrong with customized Sandbox?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There was a bug with some of our Custom CSS code. Fixed now.

  • Thanks for confirming as well as fixing it, Nick. You guys are all the best! Now, I wonder who the heck doesn’t heart WordPress?

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