blogroll bookmarks links

  • I looked at my dashboard and rubbed my eyes [what’s this? she said aloud] Bookmarks are now called Blogroll … hmmm gremlins, eh? ;)

  • Hmmm, imagine that.

    I wonder how many posts here we’ll see in the next few days covering “Where did my BookMarks go?!?!?” :)

  • Blogroll is a pretty ambiguious title. What about all those sites that are in no way related to Blogs? Bookmarks of Favs makes more sense to me…

  • drmike – I’m with you on your prediction for next week. The most posted topic of the past week was “Fun and games with flickr: the widget you love to hate”. Anyway I’m betting the most posted topic of the next week will be “Bookmarks and Blogrolls”.
    paradineshift – creme cheese and spinach dip recipes – ummm ummm – yummy stuff indeed on your site. And I think you may have a point on the “My Faves and Raves” although I don’t happen to have a single listing in my “thingee” that does not relate to blogs.:)

  • Hmm. I hadn’t noticed previously!

    Surely this is just a change for change’s sake?

    It only affects the dashboard though. The widget remains the same and you can still categorize your links the you could previously.

  • Say I want to recommend just one category from someone else’s blog on my blogroll and not scare people off with all the other flavours that might otherwise come up like a tuna burp. For instance:
    …I did it. It looks like someone should organise/tag some more postings into my prefered category to give the roll more terroir.

  • Actually you can do that with Posts as well. Anytime I say the word ‘Daria” or ‘Kim Possible’ on my blog, I also point it to the category tag.

    Pain in the butt to do it but it becomes automatic after a while. :)

  • There are two subtle changes aside from “the link by any other name is still a link” aspect. The places to type in the url and the name have been reversed since the change from “bookmarks” to “blogroll”. Also the url type in me box already contains the http://. I just discovered this when I added forestneeds to my blogroll, book marks, faves and raves thingee…

  • Ive put up my Link from my side widgets, but i dont see it on my blog. instead of using blogroll, i just use the Free Text Widget and put all of my friends blog list there. But i still cant view my Links. Even tho i’ve added some bookmarks or blogroll now that you call it that. Why cant i see my Links widget on my blog?

  • triplejeng – you have done a lot of work creating a blogroll in a text widget through misunderstanding. The blogroll is not a drop and drag widget like the others. It’s quite different.
    Go to your dashboard and look to the right you will see that it reads write, manage, blogroll. Click blogroll. Now click on Add Link which is one line below that. Enter all the data and be sure to click on a category. Then the click “Add Link”.
    If you do this for every link you want on your blogroll then you can go back and delete the contents of the text widget that you created and use it for something else. I hope this will clear things up for you.:)

  • Actually triple just added them to a Text widget. I see them fine. Looks like he or she figured it out. :)

  • Yes i like Drmike said, i used the text widget, but i would like to use the blogroll because using the text widget i must use html code. I did what you (timetheif) said, its still not appearing on my blog. But in my Side widgets Admin, the Link box in my side widget bar.
    thank you for helping tho :)

  • Oh ok i got it! Its there now. I forgot to click on the category in my links. ahah! Silly me. sorry for the trouble and thank you very much for the help :)))

  • Another happy WP camper. Hooray!. You’re welcome.:)

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