Blog will not load

  • My mother says that my wordpress blog will not load on her computer, and freezes it, so that she has to reboot.

    It is an OS 9 IMac. She does not know what her web browser is, but I suspect it is IE 6.0. She has DSL.

    Blogger loads for her, as does

    Has anyone else heard of such a problem?

  • There are lots of threads in the forum search box about IE 6 which a lot of people consider to be a faulty browswer. In the FAQs there is a section on known browser issues
    As our blogs display best in firefox and as it’s a free browser off the net maybe downloading your mom one is the way to go. Once I got a firefox I recognized what a piece of crap IE 6 was. (I will never go back to the dark side. ;)
    If that isn’t a possibility then you will have to send staff a feedback (the button is on the top right hand corner of any blog page).

  • I’m using IE6 and I can see the blog just fine. I wonder if she’s maybe got a firewall issue? Can she see other WordPress blogs?

  • What’s the blog anyway?

    Really need more information to even suggest anything. ISP? (Saying DSL doesn’t help I’m afraid when there are 40k DSL providers here in the States alone and each one is different.) Firewall? Security settings? Does anything come up in your page source within her browser?

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