Blog Update Notification Service?

  • Are there any alternatives other than that allow people to easily sign-up to receive e-mail notifications when a Blog is updates. I’m using the WordPress hosted service so I believe I can’t use a plug-in and is haywire picking up the wrong Blog description for some reason. I’d prefer a site where people don’t have to register an account.

  • I point users to BotABlog and rMail for mine. I don’t see how any service could provide email notification of blog updates to non-registered users. How would they store the user’s email address and the specific blog they want to be notified about without someone registering in some way or another?

  • what abt subcribing to your feeds? but they have to have an account at feed aggregator sites (is that what they’re called?) like bloglines. all they do is visit the site to check if you’ve updated your blog and they will get the feed. but that kinds of lower your blog stats cause they won’t need to visit your blog to see what’s new.

  • I use live feeds for blogs I watch. It’s very nifty very nifty.

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