blog posting error message

  • Hello. When I’m writing a blog post, this error message keeps popping up and I can’t publish the post:

    ‘Updating failed. Sorry, you are not allowed to edit posts in this post type.’

    Please advise. Thank you so much. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Usually when a permission issue like this occurs, it can be traced to an expired (or broken) login auth cookie stored on your local web browser. It looks like you are using Google Chrome as your browser, so with this in mind I would like you to try the following

    – clear your cache and cookies based on the steps google recommends here:
    – Also make sure you are not blocking any “3rd party cookies” as explained in that guide as well.
    – If you continue to have loading issues after completing those steps, I would like you to try another browser instead, like Firefox. Are you able to proceed if you use a browser other than Chrome?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • thereactivehuman · Member ·

    Hello – and thank you for the reply. I’m actually using Firefox, not Chrome. I’ve cleared the cache and cookies, and I don’t have any 3rd party cookies blocked. I’ll double check that again, but as of this response, that’s where I’m at. Thanks so much for the help. :)

  • Thanks @thereactivehuman. Just to clarify, did that resolve the issue? If not, you might also check for any extensions or other security features that could be “helpfully” blocking the cookie for you.

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