blog post

  • hi, i have published a blog post on my admin page, but i do not see it on the live website. could you assist? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I’ve visited your site homepage, and for me your most recent post is showing for me. Please note that we use performance caching for the best possible site performance (an important SEO factor) so in cases where your homepage contains dynamic features like a slider or a recent posts carousel, it may not show right away.

    Does the post display for you now if you visit? Because your site is under our free plan it uses our shared cloud hosting config, so it is not possible to refresh the server cache on your site, but you may wish to consider our Business Plan, which does include this option:

    Clear Your Site’s Cache
    2 min read
    While troubleshooting an issue, you may be advised to clear your site’s cache. This guide will explain how to clear the cache on your website. This feature is available on sites with the Business or Commerce plan. If your site has one of our legacy plans, it is available on the Pro plan. What is the Cache? In simplified terms, the cache is where data about your site is

    The Business plan also includes dedicated server resources, access to source code via SFTP, access to daily incremental backups, and the ability to install any plugin or theme “designed for WordPress.”

    Additionally, feel free to tell us more about your project, the kind of site you are trying to set up, or any specific functionality you plan on needing! We’re happy to take that into account and get you pointed in the right direction. Thanks!

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