Blog Page only showing 3 blogs

  • On my blogs page, only the most recent 3 blogs show. Even when I click “next page,” it still shows those same 3 blogs. Can someone let me know how to solve this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    The issue I’m seeing on your blog posts page is that it’s using a query loop block, which is one way of displaying blog posts, then inside of that is a blog post block, which is another way of displaying posts. I’ll include some instructions on getting that resolved with some screenshots. First, you’ll want to open the list view with the three off-center lines icon in the top left of your editor. Then you’ll want to drag the Blog Posts block outside of the query loop block.

    Then, with the blog posts block selected in the list view, over on the right in the block settings, turn on “Show load more posts button” so there’s a button to display more blog posts.

    Let me know if this works, if further clarification is needed, or if there’s anything else we can help with.

  • That fixed it – thank you very much!

  • Hello there,

    That fixed it – thank you very much!

    Glad to hear that, you’re very welcome!

  • Hello,

    I have the same problem, but I am unable to move the Blog Post block outside the query loop, moving is disabled for this block. Do you have an idea how to solve this?

    regards Erhard

  • @jedipct, could you please open a new -separate- thread and confirm the address of the site you need help with? Thank you!

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