Blocks aren’t working for me

  • My first post using the new Blocks system, and the YouTube thumbnails are sitting on top of the text they’re near, so some of my oh-so-amazing writing is covered up and can’t be seen(!)

  • What is the URL of your site?


    Not sure that’s going to help much, though, because I haven’t posted the post I’m having trouble with. (There didn’t seem much point, given how much text is obscured.)

  • First, please make sure that your browser is up to date:

    If it is not, please try updating your browser or switching to a different browser.

    If it is, please do these two things:

    1. Try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

    2. Try with all browser extensions or add-ons temporarily disabled.

    Please let us know how each step goes for you, and which browser (and version of) you’re using if you’re still having trouble.

  • Man(y) thanks, macmanx. The cache ‘n’ cookies clearing seems to have done the trick!

    (No idea how this might affect the rest of my (internet) useage, bit I’m sure I’ll work out what to do(!))

  • My mistake, the problem is still there.

    And despite a numer of web searches, I can’t find out how to disable my add-ons and extensions. (I’m using good ol’ Firefox – latest version.)

  • Here is a support document that will explain how to do that.

    Please let us know if you have trouble or other questions.

  • I’m sorry to have to report that the original problem’s still there, looking at me all cocky, like it’s not going anywhere(!)

    I’ve had a look at the kind of things the new blocking editor can do, and although I can see how they’d provide all sorts of extra flexibility and other advantages to a lot of website builders, it’s not the sort of thing I’d likely be making use of anyway – I’ve got no intention of doing anything else on my site than continuing to use it as a Blog.

    So if there’s a way of going back to the earlier editing system that I’ve been using happily for the last couple of years, that would bring joy to my heart (and maybe other places, too!?)

  • Hi there,

    This is a bug with your theme. It has already been reported to our developers, but I can’t give you an estimate on when it will be fixed. But it might work if you set the Youtube block to the Wide Alignment option, so can you try that for now?

  • Sorry, but i’ve got no idea what the wide alignment option is/looks /like/where to find it(!)

  • This is getting to be quite a mess…..

    Not only can I not format my blog, the changes I’ve tried to do to resolve it have messed up my access to and/or preferences on a number of websites.

    On top of that, I still can’t find a ‘wide alignment’ setting, and the most recent issue is that I can’t get the ‘preview’ button to perform on my draft blog post.

    For now, at least, is there a way of returning everything to its pre-block state? It’s not as advanced as it could be, I know, but it’s perfectly adequate for my needs(!)

  • The Block Settings are on the right hand they are usually open but you may need to click on the little gear icon on the upper corner. You’ll see there two tabs: Block and Document, you’ll want to click on the Block ones.

    There you’ll be able to change the alignement of the block.

    You may also try to use a different theme. You can try the older themes without activating them by clicking on the three dots next to the theme’s name and choosing the option Try&Customize.

    This will allow you to see how the theme would look like with your content and how could you customize it.

    As for going back to the Classic Editor, I’m afraid it’s being retired, but you can try the Classic Block which is basically the Classic Editor within the Block one:

  • This is getting silly, now(!)

    In addition to everything I mentioned above (and by the way, what about the ‘Preview’ function no longer working??), the button allowing me to access my current draft pieces has vanished!

  • What do you mean by that? I have accessed your account and everything seems to be working correctly on my end (I’m also using Firefox).

    You should be able to access all your drafts from here:

    The Preview button seems to be working fine as well, although I have seen what you described once on my own site. It might be browser-related as well, clearing the cache should probably help.

  • Fair enough, the Preview function has started working again. And I can get to my drafts from the link you kindly sent, but not from my WordPress homepage.

    I’ve still not resolved the original problem, though, in that the images that display when I embed a YouTube link cover some of my text, and not only can I not find the ‘wide alignment’ function anywhere (as suggested near the top of this thread), the route I’m supposed to take to get to it doesnt seem to exist, either. There’s no ‘gear icon’ that I can see, and nothing that lets me chose between Block and Document.

    And the sugestion from earlier that I clear cookies and cache has messed up my access to and/or preferences on a number of websites.

    (Wipes away a tear of frustration…..)

  • And I can get to my drafts from the link you kindly sent, but not from my WordPress homepage.

    Could you clarify how are you normally acessing the Drafts? You should be able to get there from My Site>Site>Posts>Drafts.

    the images that display when I embed a YouTube link cover some of my text, and not only can I not find the ‘wide alignment’ function anywhere (as suggested near the top of this thread), the route I’m supposed to take to get to it doesnt seem to exist, either.

    The fact that the embeds are not displaying as they should is a theme bug. It has been reported to our developers already so that they can work on a fix.

    The workaround we suggested is to try the Wide Alignement option, however, I can see now that I have pointed you to the wrong place to find it, sorry for adding up to your frustration! If you click on the YouTube Block, a toolbar will appear on top of it and this is where you can change the alignement:


    Hopefully that works out for you. Sorry again for the confusion!

  • Great was the rejoicing – I found the alignment option, and it worked!

    Thanks for sorting that out, it’s appreciated. Hopefully the bug will be ironed out (if that’s not too many mixed metaphors) soon enough .

    And the route to finding my drafts is going to come in useful, too.

  • Yay! I’m glad to hear it worked out.

    As for the bug, you can follow the updates here.

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