blank editing page

  • Hi, maybe it’s because the topic I was writing about is verboten (It shouldn’t be. It’s a review of the historical militarization literature. That should not come under censorship.), but after many successful edits to the post, some plug was pulled on me today, and I get a blank screen when I hit Edit Post. I tried to follow the user forum to address the problem, where others have encountered the same exclusion, and it seems I have to petition WordPress for access to editing the post. If it helps with censorship decisions, very few people have ever read the blog, and I don’t advertise it, but rather keep it as a personal, but rather scholarly writing-processing resource while I am writing professional scholarship. It’s not going to bring down the patriarchy, if you know what I mean. Kindly restore access to editing. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hey @mfridell, we aren’t censoring the site; if you were breaking our user guidelines, you’d be suspended instead:

    I’ve seen blank edit pages a few times before, though, and it usually ends up being an issue with browser cache. Can you try this?

    If that does not work, please reply back with the results of these two tests:

    1. Edit a different page or post. Does that work?

    2. Try a different browser. If that works, please let us know what browser you typically use, and which one worked.

    We’ll go from there!

  • The topic ‘blank editing page’ is closed to new replies.