Background color not changing

  • Hi,
    I’m creating a new website using the Masu template. My problem is, I can’t change the background, and a few other colors as well.

    I can do the changes in the Appearance / Editor menu, and I manage to set up everything the way I want. However, when I visit my website, half of the changes just don’t appear.
    For example, I’m trying to get the background all white (#FFFFFF) and the Buttons (i.e. “submit” in the footer) light blue. It appears fine in the Editor, but only in the editor.

    I used to build WordPress sites but last one was 5 years ago and it’s like everything changed since then, I feel lost for every action I’m trying to make, so please forgive me if I’m missing on something obvious


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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