Background Color – Menu tabs and Sidebars

  • I’m new to WordPress and just started working with the Misty Lake theme. I cannot seem to customize the color of the tabs or sidebar. Specifically, both have a light greenish tint to them, and I would like to change that to #cdb87d.

    Also, the search bar is defaulting to a maroon background color until it is clicked on. I’d prefer that to be white all of the time. Any help would be appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Welcome to!

    To change the background color of the main menu links and sidebar widget to #cdb87d in the Misty Lake theme, add the following example to your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS editor:

    .main-navigation ul li a,
    .widget {
    	background: #cdb87d;
  • Also, the search bar is defaulting to a maroon background color until it is clicked on. I’d prefer that to be white all of the time. Any help would be appreciated.

    To make it so the search widget search box background is always white in the Misty Lake theme, add this to your Appearance → Custom Design → CSS editor:

    #searchform input[type="text"] {
    	background: #fff;
  • I’m not sure what I did wrong. I copied and pasted the above into the CSS page. It made the correct changes, but now they page formatting is completely off. Any idea what I did wrong? Thanks.

  • Yep, you’re using the “Replacement” mode, but you should be using the “Add-on” mode. Look in the box at the top right of the Appearance → Custom Design → CSS page.

  • Great, thank you!

  • Thanks, it was very useful

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