Are the earnings on my blog correct?

  • P.S. Hopefully those who have further question will note your advice above.

    If you have any further questions about what is WordAds or your specific earnings please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at Jon

  • Actually we have heard the same thing about 100 times, one dollar for about every 1000 views. blah blah ad views in other countries blah blah. Quit repeating yourselves and quit ripping us off.

    How dare you speak down to us about not understanding what wordads is, 95% of this board is people starting a wordpress blog to make money because of the BS you have fed us, and only now are we truly seeing how we were “played”.

    I am only saying all this because I make a fair amount of money elsewhere online and I don’t care about being blocked or whatever you do to keep people from seeing the truth.

    We need double or triple ads on ALL BLOGS to actually see decent income. (also timethief, quit being so condescending, people already know the links you post so just stop while you are ahead, you barely help from what I have seen.)

    Hopefully some rich SOB who works for WordPress can respond LIKE WE ARE HUMANS soon.

  • I highly recommend emailing support as suggested.

  • $2.86 for 25000 ad impressions… and we are happy for every single cent!

    , WordAds Staff & timethief – thank you :)

  • mydestiny2011 · Member ·

    My new URL is Thank you :)

  • sarynthra – I do apologize for any trouble you’re having. As you know, WordAds is a new program, and as with any new program, growing pains and expectations setting can be expected.

    As we grow, we really do value the feedback that we hear from all of our WordAds users. It helps us to improve the service in a way that benefits all of you.

    sarynthra, it sounds like the WordAds program is no longer a good fit for you. You are welcome to turn off WordAds at any time via Settings -> WordAds in your blog’s Dashboard.

    If you still desire advertising but no longer wish to be part of the WordAds program, you might be interested in a self-hosted ( installation. There are no restrictions on advertising if you setup a self-hosted blog instead of a blog, but there are added responsibilities.

    Please see this link to learn about the differences:

    We have hosting recommendations at the following link if you are interested:

    Also, thank you timethief for volunteering your time to help here. It is greatly appreciated!

  • You say Wordads is a new program.If you guys cant be fair then let us use Google Adsense or other ad programs instead of forcing us to have your ads pretty much for nothing.Im really disappointed with WordPress and I hope soon they will change their policy and let people decide what kind of ads they want to show on their sites.I thought WordPress was a webhosting service we could trust.Whats the benefit of having Wordads for you guys? Why does it matter what kind of ads we want to have? I dont care if you have ad program on free ones but give break to people who pay for the service.

  • bookquoteshub. That’s exactly what WordAds does. WordAds manages a mix of Google Adsense and other ad programs. It is challenging for a single site to manage multiple ad networks because you have to set-up an ad server, negotiate deals with ad partners, test them, trouble-shoot when there are issues, manage collections, etc. WordAds does that work on behalf of sites.

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