Archived/Suspended for no apparent reason? Help!

  • Yes, using your blog to resell a product from a third-party site by putting a link in nearly every post IS a violation of the Terms of Service here. If reselling a commercial product and linking to other sites for fees is what you want to do, a WordPress.COM blog is not suitable for you.

  • And doh! You’re even NOT the owner of

  • Dear Raincoster and babalicious5,

    Thanks guys for sharing with me. In case of, you are right but I have lifetime full member of it. I have my right as re-seller of this site direct from the owner, just the same with other thousand member in Indonesia.

    Spaming others’ webblogs by leaving unwanted links on their sites? this one I don’t understand…would you tell me more, please. Thanks a lots in advance.

    Regards-wayan (Bali island-Indonesia)

  • You have the right to resell that product, but you don’t have the automatic right to resell anything at all on WordPress.COM. What you are doing is against the terms of service here at, no matter how many people do it, and your blog is going to stay suspended until you stop.

    There are many places online where you can do what you want. You can even use WordPress software. You just have to pay for hosting. It costs money to make money. Anyone who makes real money will tell you that.

  • Dear Raincoaster,

    Thanks a lots. Well I realize if so. It’s a great experience I have from a mistake that I don’t plan to violate the TOS. Well, thanks again for your help and consideration.

    Regards-wayan (Bali island, Indonesia)

  • Dear Raincoaster,

    BTW if I take the chance to have hosting (pay per month) at WP, do you think I can get back all article i have been posting on my blog?

    Regards-wayan (Bali island, Indonesia)

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