Appearance>Menus missing from Tenaz theme

  • Several conversations about navigation with support bot, support email, and viewing support documentation have pointed me to Appearance>Menus to work on my navigation. I don’t have “menus” in my “appearance” menu. I was able to solve my navigation questions using my own wits but it was frustrating to get spun in circles by support giving an answer that doesn’t apply to what I see:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @amandaroyal23, thanks for the feedback. Appearance > Menus is generally just for older themes (which some folks are still using), but I’ll pass along feedback about making that clearer.

    For your site, you’ll definitely want to use this guide if you need more help:

    Menus » Create a Menu
    4 min read
    When you start a new site, a menu is created for you automatically. However, if you need to add a new menu from scratch, this guide will show you how. 📌 To determine which section of this guide to follow, visit your dashboard and check under Appearance on the left side. If you see Editor, use the Site Editor section of this guide. Otherwise, use the WP Admin or Customizer instruction
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