Anti-Muslim "Mohammed bin Salman" Advertisement

  • The emails going to out to subscribers notifying them of a new post has an incredibly distasteful, xenophobic, racist-supporting, anti-Saudi, and anti-Muslim advertisement.

    WORDPRESS, YOU NEED TO GET RID OF THIS. This is not content that should not be supported or pushed by your platform. Furthermore, it make it look like MY writings are affiliated with this garbage.

    I called and left a message on your support line two days ago. I will also try reaching someone on social media. I use my blog intermittently and am not prepared to pay $60.00+ just to avoid ads that shouldn’t be on your service to begin with.

    The ad says:
    “Action Required: Saudi-Led Opecalypse
    Mohammed bin Salman to USA: Drop Dead
    >>>See the Saudi ‘Oil Weapon’ Here <<<”
    accompanied with a picture of Putin and Salman shaking hands and smiling at the camera at what looks to be a press conference.

    HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS? To allow this ad to run on your service amounts to support of hatred, fear-mongering, anti-muslim drudge. THIS IS NOT OKAY.

    This needs to be fixed ASAP.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • doesn’t have phone support so you must have called someone else.

  • Hi there,

    If this ad is in a subscription email, there should be a link right below the ad that you can use to report it to our ads team. Please click on that to submit the ad for review.

    We serve thousands of ads across tens of thousands of sites and notification emails every day, and no two people see the same ad on the same site, so it’s completely impossible for us to know what ad you’re speaking of based on your description above. So that reporting link is the only way to make sure this ad gets reviewed.

  • Thank you for responding to my inquiry.

    I appreciate WordPress wouldn’t be able to pick out the ad based on my description. I would have attached the photo if I could.

    Can you please confirm where this ad reporting link is? There is no link as far as I can see on my end. I looked using the Gmail mobile app and on my desktop. There is nothing there to report an ad. There’s a “Learn More” link above it which takes me to this site – – where I can leave a general comment. (I also communicated my concerns on a similar page on Automattic’s website.)

    This is all the text in the email.

    “Respond to this post by replying above this line
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    The Reign of the Introverts: COVID-19
    by Anatomy of the Quarter Life Crisis
    Our time has come fellow introverts! Long have we reluctantly accompanied out extroverted friends to bandy about the outside world. Their parasitic need for human connection sucking what precious life force we have left to maintain our sanity. Long has society shamed us for our anti-social ways! Driving us from our beds in exchange for […]

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    Anatomy of the Quarter Life Crisis | April 29, 2020 at 10:50 pm | Tags: anatomy of the quarter life crisis, coronavirus, covid-19, extroverts, introverts, pandemic | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
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  • @staartmees. Thank you for your message. There is no phone support for members with free accounts but there is an option to leave a message at 18772733049 which is directly off of a WordPress site –


  • Hi there,

    Please report the ad to our Advertising team by using the form below. This is the best place as we can’t do much in this forum.

    It would be more helpful If you can include a screenshot for that email. Here’s how to take a screenshot:

    Take a Screenshot

  • Thank you! I’ll do that.

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