AnchorFM And WordPress

  • I have seen a few articles about linking my WordPress blog and my podcast which is hosted on AnchorFM. Am I correct in my reading that because I already have an existing WordPress blog and existing podcast that I cannot link them without starting from square one? I cannot connect my existing blog and its followers with my existing podcast and those who have subscribed. I would truly enjoy bringing them together but to do so I do not want to have to begin again. Is there a way to do this or am I ‘stuck’. Thank you.

  • Hi there, you don’t need to start a new blog, but to create podcasts from your existing website, you would need a new AnchorFM account.

    AFAIK-This doesn’t prevent you from sharing your existing AnchorFM podcasts on your existing website. To clarify, I’ve also flagged your thread for a Staff reply. Thanks for your patience while they get back to you.

  • Justjennifer has given you correct information.

    We’re working on figuring out a solution for existing users. But at the moment, a new account on either the or AnchorFM side is required.

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