Already have a domain, why wont it let me use that!

  • So I am just about to come over from Wix to WP.

    I go to create a site and I am asked to enter a domain name, I cant skip this step not see a button that says ‘Already have a domain’.

    I entered my domain, says it is already taken; I know that! I bought it! lol

    How do I use a current domain from 123reg to create a site on here?

  • Hi there,

    You will need to select domain name with in it. If your domain is, then choose This is free domain.

    Once your free site is ready you can map your existing domain and start building your site.

    I cant skip this step not see a button that says ‘Already have a domain’.

    That option you will see at the bottom of the page at below path,

    Domains > Add Domain > (at bottom) Use a domain I own > You will get two options on this page

    1. Transfer your domain to
    2. Map your domain

    You may select option of your preference and proceed to next steps.

    Let me know if you have more questions or get stuck in the process.

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