Advantages of hosting and opportunities for customization

  • Hi. I’m new to WordPress. What is the advantage of hosting my site on something like Azure or AWS versus just leaving it where it is (on WordPress servers I guess).

    It seems like I have access to all the plug-ins and themes either way.

    Do I have more opportunities for customizing certain files? Say I want to add some jQuery or CSS. Can’t I do that either way?

  • If your blog will be a storage for all your writing, and no need to develop further (e.g. for any advertising attached to youg blog) then i think it is OK if you stay on WP servers.

    But if you want more and had other project ( as i had said : e.g. ads on your blog) then having a self hosted WP is better.

  • Thanks for your response. It will be a site for a business. How is it better to host it?

  • Its better to have self hosted WordPress for you can have more complete feature, more options to manage blog property, also make any customization setting.

  • I’m reviewing some of the settings that are available with various themes. They are pretty limited. For example, what if I want to change the background color to an option that is not available in the wp-admin / customize area?

    Can I add my own css file to the website? Edit some of the html? Add JavaScript files?

    Where would I actually go to add things like that?

    It shouldn’t matter what hosting service I’m using as I will have access to the file structure that I can see (wp-admin / wp-content).

    If this is too much to get into here, please direct me to a tutorial or something that explains what I’m looking for.

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    For more on the difference:

  • I’ll read through. Thanks.

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