Admin Page Is Blank

  • hi – the admin page on my account is blank and i can’t make any changes, post, or do anything. I’m not sure what to do. I see the ‘Dashboard’ on the left of the site, but the admin part on the right is completely blank. Thanks. Unknown
    Jetpack: Unknown
    Correct account: Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi!

    Can you please provide the url of your site?

  • @beckyyk, as @storygenie5 mentioned, confirming the site address will help.

    I just want to add, typically if you see a completely blank screen, it’s one of two issues:

    – A problem with the browser. These troubleshooting tips can help.


    – A problem with your copy of WordPress or its hosting environment.

    Typically you won’t see that here on our servers because we manage your installation for you, but if you are in fact seeing this at and the same problem occurs in another browser, please let us know.


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