Adding text at the bottom

  • I am writing a fiction blog. While I don’t want it to be super obvious that it’s fiction (I think the story will make it obvious enough as it progresses), I do want to put a little disclaimer at the bottom of the page saying that it’s a work of fiction, all similarities to real life are unintentional, copyright notice, etc. Is there a way to do that? Right now, all I can do is put it in the sidebar.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please post the complete and clickable URL for the blog to which your refer, starting with http:// when you post to this forum. Alternatively, you can link your username to your blog. It’s very easy to do. Here’s how to link your username to your blog in your blog Dashboard –> Users –> Your Profile. Then scroll down to where it says ‘Website‘ and fill in the address of your blog and then click ‘Update Profile‘.

    We cannot edit our underlying blog templates a We can purchase a CSS upgrade and insert this. However, I sincerely doubt that you would want to purchase a CSS updgrade and renew it every year just for this alone. Therefore, I think the best you can do is post a text widget, and repeat the same on your About page.

    You may also want to click my username and read “How to copyright your digital works” as there are other options besides creative commons

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