Adding Posts to Pages

  • I am new to blogging and can’t seem to figure out how to post to a page on my blog other than the home page. I can edit a page, but not post to it like a blogroll that I have going on the home page. Any help is appreciated.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Is this the blog you are talking about ?

    Pages you create are static and sit outside the blog structure. They are designed to static content such as about pages or policies pages and things like that.

    You can achieve this by using categories. Create categories for the posts that you want to separate out and then include the categories widget in your sidebar and people can click on the category names to get listings of only the posts in that particular category.

    In some themes you can actually add a link to the category in the top navigation, but this trick does not work with all themes. The theme you are using is one of the themes the trick does NOT work with.

    The themes listed in the left-hand column in this blog post, , are the themes the trick works with.

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