Adding another blog

  • If I add another blog by going to:

    My Blog – Register a New Blog – Create Blog

    Will I have the same user name and password for the second blog?

    After the second blog is created, when I go to to log in, which blog will I be logged into? Or will a Menu come up after I log in to give me a choice?

    The second blog will be used mostly for testing, experimenting and learning the finer points of WordPress for now and therefore it will not be used as much as the first. Would it be better to just set it up with a new user name, password and an alternate email address?

  • The second blog will be created under your same user account.

    If you log in via you’ll simply be returned to and you’ll be able to chose your blog from the “My Blogs” menu.

  • Thanks macmanx. Just a followup: Since I will be the only active user/author on the SECOND blog and it’s primary purpose will be for my experimenting and learning, would it be better to just set it up under a new user name and alternate email address.

    That way, my other authors, etc of my current blog won’t have to deal with the “My Blogs” menu or for that matter even know that the second blog exists. I just want to keep it simple for my other authors/contributors.

    I’m obviously new to blogging and feeling my way around. I just want to do things correctly.

  • As long as you’re the only user on your new blog, you’ll be the only one to see it under “My Blogs.”

    There’s really no need to create another account, unless you want to create an entirely new identity.

  • Thanks. I’ll follow your suggestions. I just didn’t want to burden my other users.

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