Adding a Clickable Link to Custom Header

  • Hi there- I am using the Connections theme, and am trying to make my custom header clickable to send those who click on it to my home page. I purchased the CSS upgrade, but I can’t figure out how to access the header file to edit it. Is there anyway to do this in, or is this only available in


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I loaded Connections on my test blogs and the URL to the title appearing in the custom image header is clickable and does return one to the front page. In fact almost every theme if not every theme at does have a clickable header.

    If you have removed the Blog Title and/or Tagline from here > Settings > General then be aware that doing that guarantees search spider bots will not find them and your blog will not be indexed.

    CSS is theme specific, so you cannot use the CSS stylesheets from other themes with the themes here at wordpress.COM. You can go to Appearance > Edit CSS. There wordpress has provided a preview function.

    Since there is no official Staff support for the CSS upgrade, and precious little Volunteer support, you must be patient while waiting for them to get to this thread. .Be sure to read this article before starting your editing >

    P.S. I have flagged this thread so it gets moved to the CSS Forum for you.

  • To make the entire image a link to your home page you need to add the background image to the anchor element. Here’s what to add to the CSS:

    #headimg {background:none;}
    #headimg h1 {padding:0; text-align:left;}
    #headimg h1 a {background:url(""); display:block!important; height:142px; width:741px; text-indent:-999em;}
  • @timethief: thanks for the helpful tips and the flag

    @halluke: the code you provided works perfectly!!

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