Add zip file to blog post?

  • I wrote my first blog about the ArchiMate language and added a jpg example. Somebody asked me for the underlying model file. I would be happy to add that, but I seep to be unable to upload it as it is not an image file.

    Is there a way to add a .zip file to my blog?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Accepted File Types

    You will need to host the files on a third party host and link to them – Caution – not all third party sites are created equal and some have a reputation as spam sources and could get your site flagged – with a bit of luck one of the others will suggest a few sites that are OK.

  • Where there is a will there is a way…

    Indeed you can but as Auxclass notified you cant do it directly…

    Why dont you upload your file on Google Docs… WordPress has recently started support for google docs….

    Further if you can specify the file extension (not the zip file but the files in the zip file)
    I may be able to tell you a better solution

  • The extension is .xma or .sma. These are BiZZdesign Architect model files.

    But I have another zip file with a BiZZdesign Architect configuration directory (several other extensions, like .mmd)

  • @fctwnl
    auxclass has posted a relevant link above for free hosted blogs like the empty blog linked to your username. If that’s the blog in question then please read here > We provide support on this forum only for those with free hosted WordPress.COM blogs.

    We do not provide support for WordPress.ORG installs here at all. If we did that then we Volunteers would confuse the members with irrelevant information as the software is not the same. That support is found here > http://wordpress.ORG/support/

    For greater clarity please read this entry > vs. The Differences >

  • @timethief
    Thanks for replying, but has nothing to do with it. I even had not heard about it before you mentioned it.

    I have three blogs connected to my username for separate subjects, I have started with one of these ( as the first to put stuff in (so it is not empty) while I am still thinking about the setup and content of the others. My first post solicited a comment of someone requesting the underlying model file, and while I would be happy to provide it, I could not find a way to do this. So, I must find another (stable) way.

  • We cannot upload zip files into free hosted blogs.

  • Try the widget

    With their free account, it’s a very flexible solution for hosting files in your blog’s sidebar .

  • it seems that none of those mentioned formats can be converted into supportable file formats…

    You can upload them to (without signing up) and share your mediafire download link on your blog….


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